SeaKayaking falklands diary site

SeaKayaking falklands diary site
Keep updated on our progress whilst we are in the falklands by clicking on the picture

Thursday, 23 October 2008


This is the first post of many which, hopefully, will lead up to a successfull circumnaviagtion of The Falkland islands. Four of us are attempting to do this in our sea kayaks. We are heading out on 28th December and have given ourselves 6 weeks to complete the challenge. We are raising money for Help for Heroes and two Falkland Island charities - The Stephen Jaffray Memorial Fund and the Falklands Outward Bound Trust. We are currently looking for sponsorship and have generated some media attention.

Sea Kayaking around the Falkland Island poses some specific problems but also holds some amazing experiences. The islands are almost uninhabited (just over 3000 people of which most live in Stanley). They are very remote and desolate which increases the exposure but allows you to experience a true wilderness. The wildlife is unique to the islands with an abundance of seals, dolphins, whales and bird life including a number of penquin species and a very rare and myserious wren! Despite going in the summer the islands are still far enough south to produce some bad weather. They are constantly battered by swells from the southern ocean and lashed by strong antarctric winds. These factors will kayaking quite testing at times. Due to the remote nature of the islands the nearest rescue could be a very long time coming especially if hindered by poor weather.