SeaKayaking falklands diary site

SeaKayaking falklands diary site
Keep updated on our progress whilst we are in the falklands by clicking on the picture

Friday, 24 October 2008


It was while serving in the Falklands that i first came up with the idea of paddling around it.
As i looked into it i then realised the sizable problems . getting kayaks kit and team members there, sounds so easy but quickly became very complex.
The challenge of paddling around is another thing so will not go into that as most reading this will be seakakers and will be aware that it may be a litte breezie and lumpy.
As far as we know, Leif Ponciet ( a Falkland Islander) is the only paddler to sucsessfuly paddle around both East and West Falkland, (If you know of any one else please let us know)
At the moment there are 3 differant expeditions atempting to get round this winter (Falklands summer). Fiona Whitehead and Tom Parrick, and a solo attempt Marcus Demuth ,and us. Good luck to them all.
Chris Millington