Hi there I am Richy (the youngest member of the expedition, probably turn out to be the tea-boy!!). I live in Truro, cornwall and work there as a firefighter. I learn't to sea kayak on the cornish coastline which tends to get it's fairshare of weather and sea conditions. I met Chris, the exped leader, through Timmy Carter (also on the exped and a climbing/kayaking partner)and got invited to come along. Living in cornwall I like to try my hand at most things the environment provides for so I kitesurf, surf and climb, occassionally a bit of cycling and running to keep my fitness up.
SeaKayaking falklands diary site
Friday, 24 October 2008
Hi there I am Richy (the youngest member of the expedition, probably turn out to be the tea-boy!!). I live in Truro, cornwall and work there as a firefighter. I learn't to sea kayak on the cornish coastline which tends to get it's fairshare of weather and sea conditions. I met Chris, the exped leader, through Timmy Carter (also on the exped and a climbing/kayaking partner)and got invited to come along. Living in cornwall I like to try my hand at most things the environment provides for so I kitesurf, surf and climb, occassionally a bit of cycling and running to keep my fitness up.