SeaKayaking falklands diary site

SeaKayaking falklands diary site
Keep updated on our progress whilst we are in the falklands by clicking on the picture

Friday, 7 November 2008

Missing (the) boat

Unfortunately, a couple of months ago my kayak got stolen. In fact it seemed as soon as word got out I was going to the Falklands for 6 weeks my kayak went missing (perhaps my wife, Sue, had some hand in this). Anyway the insurance paid out, I ordered my kayak and was expecting it on Tuesday. It did not arrive - apparently they forgot to put it on the delivery lorry (I am sure this happens all the time especially to 17ft lime green sea kayaks, they tend to blend in to the surrounding). So today Timmy and Chris are loading there kayaks onto the Falklands boat and I am sitting at home drinking tea! Lets hope I don't miss the next boat!!!! (I think it is actually a ship - boat might be underselling it)

For all those who saw it hope you enjoyed our TV clip on ITV westcountry. For those of you who missed it go onto their website and it is archived for a week!!