SeaKayaking falklands diary site

SeaKayaking falklands diary site
Keep updated on our progress whilst we are in the falklands by clicking on the picture

Friday, 7 November 2008

Marchwood Southampton.

A good day for Chris and I, we had an RV at the M27 Services for a 'Training' breakfast (Very low calorie !!) . We met Fiona from Penrith who is paddling with Tom, around the Isles, at the same time but in the opposite direction.

Chris's new boat looked amazing, and weighed so little, I am a litle envious, but may have see the future !!!!! I could end up a single man though !!!!

Chris then displayed expedition leader skills and took us to Marchwood, where we wrapped and packed Kayaks with acres of Bubble wrap. !!!

I also included Tent and Sleeping bag plus Dry bags and stove etc, as well as large jars of Savlon and Sudo cream for those tender areas anticipated !!!

We were in a hanger with lots of stuff in different parts of the building, for The Ascension Isles, South Georgia and of course Stanley. Hopefully we put our Kayaks in the right area otherwise Richie may yet get ahead when he puts his new boat on the next ship.

DHL staff were very helpful and friendly and Chris took photos which he will hopefully add to this 'post', as we all felt this was a significant step forward !!