SeaKayaking falklands diary site

SeaKayaking falklands diary site
Keep updated on our progress whilst we are in the falklands by clicking on the picture

Thursday, 19 February 2009

East and West Falklands are successfully Circumnavigated

Team Cable and Wireless arrived safe and sound in Stanley at 3pm on Wednesday having successfully circumnavigating East and West Falkland. Please keep visiting the diary site to check up on our final activities in stanley and the photos of arriving. The current total on the Just Giving site is nearly £6000 so please, if you haven't yet donated, please give a donation online.

Thanks to all who have supported and sponsored especially Cable and Wireless.

Another big thank you to all the Falkland Islanders who have kept us fed and watered on our journey.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Title sponsorship goes to Cable and Wireless F.I

I am proud to announce we have struck a deal with Cable and Wireless F.I. for the Title Sponsor of the expedition. Dealing with Alison Thorogood, the customer relations manager, we finalised a deal this morning. I think both parties will benefit enormously from the sponsorship.